Apply to play the 8th edition of Resonate Music Conference. A showcase opportunity to perform in front of music industry professionals and Scottish music fans. 

Artists are advised that this is highly competitive and our judging panel will take into account, career progress so far, quality of musical examples and the likelihood this showcase will open up new opportunities for career development. Artists should take this into consideration before applying.

Please apply via the link below and make sure to include detail on your most notable recent acheivements & why you feel now is the right time to perform at Resonate. Good Luck!

Resonate Live Showcase Criteria: 

- All applicants must have at least 50% of their band reside in Scotland 

- Must be able to perform on Thursday 28th November 2024

- Please make sure all music submission links work and private links will be accessible in the future 

What will Resonate Live Artists Receive? 

- Showcase Fee 

- Travel Fee

- Development Fund

- Tailored Mentorship Programme 

- Videos & Photo content 

- Marketing & Promotion

For important updates on your application, please make sure you are subscribed to our mailing list.

For past Resonate Live showcase performances head to our YouTube.